
"The white balance styles are awesome! I’ve thrown some really challenging images at them and somehow they just work."


"I tried them on my toughest images that I knew had problem WB and they're so good!"


"These have saved me hours of work. Thank you!"

Capture One AI NextGen Styles

Capture One AI Styles

NextGen Styles

Adjust the White Balance automatically and apply AI color gradings in Capture One.

The NextGen Styles set includes over 100 styles designed to take full advantage of Capture One’s AI capabilities.

10 Smart White Balance styles to automatically set the natural white balance for your images.
20 Smart WB + Image Tone styles to adjust White Balance and set classical contrast with a single click.
60 AI Color Grading styles to easily apply color correction to the image subject or background. 
30 AI Visual Accent styles to draw the viewer’s attention to the right place in your image.

NextGen Styles is more than just another style set. It offers a whole new, faster, and easier way to edit RAW images. 

Smart White Balance styles require Capture One 23 16.0 or later.
AI styles require Capture One Pro 16.3 or later.

How Do NextGen Styles Work?

What Styles Do I Get?

The complete set includes over 100 styles designed to take full advantage of Capture One’s AI capabilities.

Smart White Balance Styles
Smart WB + Image Tone
AI Color Grading
AI Visual Accents

Smart White Balance Styles

Smart White Balance Styles automatically adjust the white balance of your images to make them look natural.
There are styles for portraits, landscapes, travel photography, and outdoor events.


Please note that due to the nature of photography, sometimes Smart Styles set incorrect White Balance. This behavior is expected and normal.

Camera WB NextGen Style
Camera WB
NextGen Style

Do they work better than Auto White Balance?

In many cases, yes!

NextGen Styles often provide more accurate and natural white balance than automatic white balance correction. This is especially true for portraits taken in difficult lighting conditions.

Auto WB NextGen Style
Auto WB
NextGen Style

Smart WB + Image Tone Styles

These styles adjust white balance and also apply image tone adjustments. These styles allow you to quickly set the correct white balance and apply classic contrast.

Original NextGen Style
NextGen Style

AI Color Grading Styles

Unlock the full potential of Capture One’s AI tools by easily applying color correction to your subject or background.

Auto WB NextGen Style
Auto WB
NextGen Style

AI Visual Acccent Styles

NextGet Style set includes AI Visual Accent styles that allow you to draw the viewer’s attention to the right place in your image.
For example, you can easily add Clarity to the subject to add depth and dimension. Or you can focus viewers’ attention by desaturating the image background.

Original NextGen Style
NextGen Style

Capture One Photographers About the NextGen Styles

Free Tutorials with the NextGen Styles

How to get the Most Out of Your Capture One Styles

Capture One Styles Tutorial Video How to Use
  • You’ll learn a three-step workflow to get the maximum out of your Capture One Styles.
  • Then, we’ll discover hidden features of styles in Capture One and discuss the benefits of layered styles.
  • Finally, you’ll see how to speed up batch editing with AI masks and styles.  

Working with Color Schemes in Capture One

Capture One Tutorial How to Apply Color Schemes

You’ll learn how to apply complementary, analogous, triadic, and other color schemes using Capture One tools. The tutorial includes EIP files containing RAWs with adjustments to the images from the PDF. So that you can experiment with the RAWs from the tutorial and see the applied adjustments in all their detail.

NextGet Styles - 100 RAWs Challenge

Download Five Sample NextGen Styles


Smart White Balance styles require Capture One 23 16.0 or later.

AI styles require Capture One Pro 16.3 or later.

The styles are not compatible with Capture One Express.