I continue to publish Capture One tutorials that you have sent me for the Tutorial Contest!
Today I’m sharing a Capture One presentation made by Bill Jacobsen for his local photo club. The presentation is about Capture One 10, so some parts are a bit outdated now, but most of the information is still relevant and useful. Thus, if you have been looking for such a template to make your Capture One presentation – feel free to download it here.
You can still participate in the Capture One Tutorial Contest!
Create any Capture One tutorial (article, video, editing guide) and send it over to me at news@alexonraw.com.
If your article is fit for publishing on AlexOnRAW, I’ll present you with the full bundle of 1Styles.pro styles (worth $134)
Plus, in September I’ll pick one of the tutorials and present its author with $100 B&H gift card!
Deadline – September 15!