In the previous newsletter, I asked you to share your feature wishlist for the Next Capture One. And you have sent me a mass of excellent ideas! I’ll prepare them in a solid list and forward it to Capture One developers.
At the same time, some of your feature requests are already implemented in Capture One!
Several of my readers wished to see Vibrance slider in Capture One.
Basically, the Saturation slider in the Exposure tool of Capture One works as Vibrance.
Here is a description of Saturation slider from official Capture One guide:
“The positive values (attained when the slider is moved to the right) are comparable to what 3rd party software often refers to as Vibrance. Vibrance is gentler to the skin tones and will be able to enhance, for instance, a blue sky without over-saturating the rest of the image. The negative values represent regular saturation settings.”
At the same time, if you would like to use the real “saturation” slider, you can use Saturation slider in Color Editor. It works as a classical saturation tool.
Multiple Filtres
Another feature request was about having multiple filters in Capture One. For instance, to be able to see all green images with no ratings.
This feature already exists: using the Alt key, you can set several filters simultaneously.
You’ll find more features of Alt key in my post “Hidden Features Of The Alt Key In Capture One”.