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Video Tutorial + 65 Free Styles for Capture One

Learn all the Quiz tricks and download 65 Capture One styles free of charge

The style set includes:
 10 AI styles for Capture One
40 styles from the Original Film Styles set
 5 styles from the Ultimate Capture One Toolkit
 5 styles from the Pro Color Grading Styles set
 5 styles from the Creative Styles set

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Access Video Tutorial + 65 Free Styles for Capture One

What's Inside

The style set includes:
 10 AI styles for Capture One
40 styles from the Original Film Styles set
 5 styles from the Ultimate Capture One Toolkit
 5 styles from the Pro Color Grading Styles set
 5 styles from the Creative Styles set

400+ Legendary Film Styles for Capture One
Trusted Original and New Remastered Looks

Legendary film styles are back with advanced layered versions and additional remastered looks!

  ✅ Layered versions of all film stylesFilm styles now store all the adjustments in layers, allowing you to control color and contrast separately. 
  ✅ B&W styles are also fully layered, giving you complete control over the black and white look. Adjusting the B&W layer will not affect saturation; your image will always stay black and white.
  ✅ 200 remastered film styles. In addition to the time-trusted looks, you’ll also get remastered versions of all the film styles. The remastered styles offer more complex adjustments, making it easier to find a look that fits your image best.
  ✅ Approved by thousands of Capture One photographers worldwide.

Regular price: $389.92

Complete Bundle Offer: $155.96

You Will Ge All These Products:

Creative Styles

50 styles and 50 styles brushes for creative inspiration. No more wasting time searching for the right color grading!

Capture One Film Styles

Film Styles for Capture One

More than 400 legendary film styles for Capture One

Approved by thousands of Capture One photographers worldwide.

Color Grading Webinar

Almost 2 hours of professional color grading tips and tricks in Capture One.
Watch online or download a video file.

Pro Color Grading Styles

50 styles for Capture One to apply various color gradings.
Just scroll through the styles, and you'll find the look that fits your image best.

Ultimate Capture One Toolkit

Make your Capture One workflow faster and easier than ever.
The Toolkit contains 200+ unique styles and tools for Capture One.

100 Pro RAWs

100 RAWs for image editing practice. This set is a perfect addition to AlexOnRAW tutorials.

Capture One Hidden Features​ eBook

More than 200 PRO hints to improve your Capture One workflow, structured into an easy-to-read book. Acclaimed by Capture One experts.

You Save: $233.96

Capture One Photographers About the Book

Herb Fixler
Herb Fixler
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Alex Svet has knocked the cover off the ball with his new E-book, Capture One Hidden Features. As with most photographic software, there are lots of Capture One features that are not easily revealed. Alex has done a great job of ferreting out these features and putting them together in one easily readable book. He has also provided many valuable workflow tips. I especially benefitted from Part II, Get maximum out of your RAW. Kudos, Alex!
Martin Widen
Martin Widen
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As a Capture One user since day one, I must say this book gave me new insights into Capture One. Particularly helpful tips to improve my Capture One work. Well invested time and money.
Robert Rosenbaum
Robert Rosenbaum
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As an amateur but enthusiast photographer, I’ve used Capture One, On1 Photo, DXO and Pixelmator. IMO Capture One has the best RAW engine and catalog management, but sometimes I’ve found the interface daunting…”there must be a simple way to do X but….” Alex’s Hidden Features book comes to the rescue! It’s given me the key to so many actions I previously found frustrating. It’s well organized, easy to find what you are looking for. Also, it not only offers specific tips but also some good strategies (such as applying tools in the right order). The tips for working with layers are worth the price of the book themselves, but there’s so much more!
Cameron Davidson
Cameron Davidson
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Capture One user since version 2.7. Alex's new book is a fantastic tool for old and new users of the best RAW file editor on the planet. I always learn a new trick or way of approaching file processing after reading Alex's blog and his new book full of tips and approaches to get the absolute best out of your raw files sits on my image processioning desktop Mac. It is essential reading for any user who wants to improve their C1 skills.
Monica Lord
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I’m writing this review for everyone who thinks they already know everything about Capture One. People who have spent hours learning the fine points. People who don’t think they will learn anything new from this book. That’s what I thought, and yet I came away with lots of new ideas about how to streamline my workflow and exploit features. And Alex‘s enthusiasm comes through on every page. This read was such a pleasure!
Bradly Duerr
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This book is huge and contains an enormous amount of really good stuff. I am very impressed with how the book’s contents are presented. Every concept, or tip, is explained in detail using examples and graphics. I love using capture one, but unlike Photoshop or Lightroom there is not much information on using capture one to its fullest extent. This book will go a long way in solving this information gap.
Vilmos Vincze
Vilmos Vincze
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Using Capture One has always been easy for me, I never understood why so often the "steep learning curve" is mentioned all over the Internet. Most of the tutorials also keep dealing with the basic functions and editing workflow, again and again - which, honestly, makes me tired. Then here come Alex's tips, tricks and hints, which I have been following for years. I have even copied and collected several of his AlexOnRAW posts into Pages documents that have gradually become my treasure-trove of useful knowledge. And, as if he had realized just what I needed, he put together this "Hidden Features" book. Awesome! This book is for the basically informed user who needs as much extra knowledge about Capture One as possible. It is written with just the right amount of explanations and good illustrations, it is straight to the point, logically organized, super useful and super usable. I can recommend it to anyone who knows the basics and would like to step forward to the expert level.
Wayne Ruff
Wayne Ruff
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In my seven years of using Capture One, I have kept a high bar for finding the best help and insight from those presenting more than a “repackaging” of the user guide. Even today, rarely do I find an experienced user who goes beyond the surface of why and how to accomplish a single task. I have followed Alex’s concise newsletters for years and always finish reading one having learned something new, creative, and practical about Capture One workflow. Reading the preface of Capture One Hidden Features, you know that you are about to find a trove of insight that will advance your use of Capture One and RAW editing in general. Some features of Capture One truly are hidden, and Alex quickly brings them to light. For example, he explains how to completely change any color in an image, how the four separate saturation adjustments work in unique ways, and how to achieve all-around balance in image saturation. His integral presentation and examples of these concepts aren’t to be found elsewhere. The same goes for many other elements of RAW editing and processing in Capture One. His direct approach to why you would want a particular shortcut or workflow and the straightforward way to realize it is a real pleasure to read and quickly adapt into your own workflow.
Irven Penn
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I highly recommend Capture One Hidden Features for all photographers from the very experienced to the advanced newbie. I don’t claim to be a Capture One expert. On the contrary, I consider myself to be an advanced newbie. I’ve watched dozens of YouTube videos, read articles and followed Alex for some time. And while I’ve only transitioned from LightRoom to Capture One a few months ago, I was amazed at the amount of the book’s content I was immediately able to use even as a newbie. Within the first 50 pages, I was able to move myself towards a much more efficient workflow utilizing, hidden to me, shortcuts and some of Alex’s recommended customizations and preferences. I’ll admit that the book does have a professional experienced Capture One user in mind and it quickly introduces things I didn’t even know existed. Yet, everything was presented so clearly that even a newbie like me was able to get tremendous benefit. There is so much other information that I lost count of the number of hidden features presented. I’m sure there are at least 200. I’m certain I will be both constantly rereading it and keeping it by my side as a ready reference during all my post processing. Again, I highly recommend this book for all Capture One users. And Alex, thank you for making the time and taking the effort to create this much needed contribution of knowledge to the Capture One community. This book is what I’ve been looking for, and it is already helping me on my journey to learn and enjoy using capture one. And yes, this book was fun and enjoyable to read.